tisdag 30 mars 2010
Bram Stoker Awards 2009
måndag 29 mars 2010
Brighton, day five...
söndag 28 mars 2010
Brighton, day four
Only a short post today as day four has been our most hectic day so far. [Images to follow]
First interview of the day was spent in the company of the legendary Grand Master of Horror Ramsey Campbell who shed light on exposition, structure and the what's in a title.
Second shoot for the day, and we sit down with Tim Lebbon to talk about how to make your horror and fantasy stories keep that valuable edge of realism and make it believable.
Midpoint of the day saw us sitting down with our fellow countryman John Ajvide Lindqvist as we discussed just how far you could take your protagonist/antagonist, his writing process and just how great Morrissey's lyrics are.
Session four had us going face to face with the great Dennis Etchison who shared his thoughts on start-middle-ends and the power of rushes of insight.
Finally the fifth interview for the day starts and we meet the fascinating David Case with whom we discussed Archetypes, the horror of Ghouls, Case shared writing habits with Hemingway and just how important that opening paragraph is.
Wrapping it all up we headed down to the screening hall to hear our friend Stephen Volk introduce and give a short Q&A before the screening of GHOSTWATCH, the infamous BBC program that terrified a nation and created national outrage.
Following that, it was finally time to wind down and hit the Querqus Party for a few drinks with some of the great writers that we have interviewed during these fascinating and intensive days.
fredag 26 mars 2010
Brighton, day three
torsdag 25 mars 2010
Brighton, day two
onsdag 24 mars 2010
Brighton, day one
tisdag 23 mars 2010
One day to go...
At noon we will be on English soil, and promenading along the Brighton Pier.
Yesterday we confirmed more interviews for the Documentary project, Michael Louis Calvillio, Lisa Morton have been added to the list.
And we will (if time allows them) be interviewing Grand Masters of Horror Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, and Ramsey Campbell.
Stay tuned!
lördag 20 mars 2010
There’s something about Brighton…

There’s only a few days left until we set off for the World Horror Convention 2010, held for the first time in the United Kingdom – Brighton to be precise.
ConstructingHorror.com will of course be attending, and with us we will have a small crew of four people.
That’s merely a teaser of several confirmed interviews and we will release more names as we pass through the week.

So hang tight and check back for updates during the coming days!